If you are a youth in crisis and looking for support over the break, the following providers will still be in operation over summer:
START Team (The Short Term, Assessment, Response, Treatment (START) Team provides confidential mental health crisis intervention services for children and teens ages 6 – 18.
Youth, families, and professionals can directly access services by contacting the START Team 1-844-782-7811
Emergency – dial 911
School Counsellors provide students with direct and indirect support in 3 domains: personal, education and career. Student’s personal concerns discussed between Counsellor and student are confidential. Education and Career planning includes selecting courses, program planning, graduation requirements, and exploring post-secondary entrance requirements. Counsellors will provide appropriate referrals to other in-school, in- district support services and/or outside (non-school) agencies. Students are assigned to Counsellors alphabetically by last name.
Please email your Counsellor to make an appointment:
- A-D + International - Mr. T. Price thomas_price@sd33.bc.ca
- E-K - Ms. K. Olafson kiana_olafson@sd33.bc.ca
- L-R - Mr. C. Olafson chris_olafson@sd33.bc.ca
- S-Z - Mrs. Daly alexandra_daly@sd33.bc.ca
Contact your school Counsellor for information on District Services that may or may not be site based, and maybe required to support students to be successful at GW Graham. The Counsellor has information about and/or may make referrals to the following services:
Youth Care Worker: the CYCW is site-based and provides support for students with social, emotional, and/or behavioral challenges. The CYCW offers various support groups throughout the year, which may target these challenges and help students stay connected to their school or facilitate connections to community services. The CYCW works in partnership with teachers, counselors, parents, support staff, and community agencies.
Connect with one of the Youth Care Workers at GWG
- A-L - Ms. C. Savenkoff carly_savenkoff@sd33.bc.ca
- M-Z - Mrs. J. Conkin julie_conkin@sd33.bc.ca
Don't forget to check out the groups and clubs we have available to all students at GWG: https://gwgss.sd33.bc.ca/clubs