One well-rounded BC graduate will be recognized with a $5000 scholarship for service and leadership, both at GWG and in the community. This student is also someone who has also shown aptitude and commitment to his/her chosen career path. This student must be nominated by the school in order to apply for this scholarship.
These awards recognize graduating B.C. students for excellence in their chosen area of interest or strength. Winners receive a $1,250 scholarship voucher to use towards their post-secondary tuition. Students must meet BC graduation requirements or the Adult Education Graduation program by August 31st of their graduating year. Students can only win one District/Authority Award. Students are to fill out application (PDF below) along with application requirements, and hand into student services.
Specialty Areas and Sub Areas includes:
- FINE ARTS (Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music, Choir)
- APPLIED SKILLS (Business Education, Technology Education, Home Economics)
- PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (Athletics, Physical Education, Academies)
- INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES (French, French Immersion, Spanish)
- TECHNICAL and TRADES TRAINING (District Partnership Programs)
- COMMUNITY SERVICE (Must Provide List of Signed Service Hours)
The top 8000 graduates in the province will receive $1250 based on their cumulative average percentage calculated on their courses taken in Grades 10, 11 and 12. Students do not apply for this scholarship. In order to be eligible the student must meet eligibility requirements that include:
- Must be Canadian citizen or permanent resident and be a resident of BC
- Fulfill graduation requirements by August 31 of the student's graduating year
- Have at least a “B” (73%) in English 12 or Communications 12
- Write and pass the English 12 or Communications 12 provincial exam
- Have no more than one TS or SG indicator among course marks used for the calculation winner
For more information about provincial scholarship programs see https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/k-12/support/scholarships/provincial-scholarships
Awarded to 20 outstanding BC high school graduates who have demonstrated a commitment and aptitude for a career path in K-12 teaching. Winners receive a $5,000 scholarship voucher to redeem when they are registered and attending an approved K-12 teacher education program at one of BC's nine Facilities of Education. In order to be eligible students must meet the following criteria.
- Must be Canadian citizen or permanent resident of BC
- Be eligible for a BC Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma) and meet the requirements of the BC Graduation Program by August 31
- Have at least a "B" (73% or above) in your Language Arts 11 final mark
- "B" average in final course marks that fulfill graduation requirements of Science 11 or 12, Math 11 and Social Studies 11 or 12, with no more than one "C+" (67% or above) final course mark, (marks lower than "C+" are not accepted)
- Maintain a "B" average or better in Grades 11 and 12 final course marks required for graduation
- Write and pass a Language Arts 12 provincial examination
You can't win both a Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship and a BC Excellence Scholarship
Applications can be found at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/k-12/support/scholarships/provincial-scholarships/pathway-to-teacher-education-scholarship